The Bitcoin Standard

Saifedean Ammous

Ratings: 4.6/5                    Pages: 298

“The Bitcoin Standard provides a comprehensive examination of the history of money and the case for Bitcoin as a new form of sound money”

Read TIme: Approx 9-10 hours

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The rise of Bitcoin will mean the end of the inflationary era that has plagued us for the last century

           “In The Bitcoin Standard, Saifedean Ammous explores the history of money, the flaws of modern fiat currency systems, and how Bitcoin provides a solution to the monetary issues facing the world. Ammous argues that Bitcoin is not only a more efficient and secure form of money but also a superior alternative to central banking and inflation-prone currencies. Through in-depth analysis of economics and financial history, the book presents a compelling case for how Bitcoin can transform the global financial system and offers readers a deeper understanding of why Bitcoin could become the new standard for money”

Book Highlights:
  • A thorough analysis of the evolution of money and the flaws of fiat systems.
  • Explains the role of Bitcoin as a decentralized, deflationary form of money.
  • Offers insights on how Bitcoin can reshape the global economy and challenge central banks.