The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant - Robert T. Kiyosaki
- Most people work for money, rich people have money work for them.
- It's not how much money you make that matters, it's how much money you keep.
- Rich people acquire assets not liablities they think are asset.
- Working all your life for someone else can lead to financial struggle.
- Building wealth might take some big changes.
- Make mistakes and learn from them.
- Knowledge is your wealth.
- GIve what you want to receive back.
- Embrace change.
- Lack of self confidence & fear is what's holding you back.
- Other aren't to be blamed for your problems.
- Rich is a mindset.
- People lives are forever controlled by two emotions: Fear & Greed.
- Thinking that a job makes you secure is lying to yourself.
- Cashflow tells the story of how a person handles the money.
- Pay yourself first, even when it's uncomfortable.
- RIch & Poor people have very differentiate ideas about money.
- Spotting opportunity is a skill you can acquire.
- Work to learn new skill, not for immediate income.
- We all have inner obstacle to wealth like fear, arrogance & laziness.
- Change your questions to change your life.
- Profits are made when you buy, not when you sell.
- Wealth is how long you can survive without working.
- Be aggressive to make money but defensive to keep money.
The book changed my perception along with millions of others. A book written to change your mindset towards money. The financial advice in the summary is good, but it's even more impactful when you experience it within the context of the book's narrative.
Reasons to read it:
- Robert Kiyosaki shares his personal story and lessons learned from his "rich dad" and "poor dad" to provide valuable insights into financial literacy and wealth creation. The book simplifies complex financial concepts and empowers readers with practical knowledge.
- "Rich Dad Poor Dad" challenges traditional beliefs about money and encourages readers to adopt a wealth mindset. It explores the importance of financial independence, investing, and building assets to achieve financial freedom.
Reasons to skip it:
- If you do not like changes and want to follow the old processes, then you may skip this book.